Mångfaldsakademien is driving initiatives to demystify and simplify the complex areas around diversity and inclusion by developing methods that are already known and recognized. This makes our methods and approach innovative in the area of diversity and inclusion. It also make them easy to understand and straightforward to apply.
Mångfaldsakademien also offers consultancy services under the brand MiConsulting.
Through its consulting services Mångfalsakademien is helping companies and organizations with tools, analysis and training to create a more inclusive work environment which builds diversity. This may include measuring and evaluating a company or an organization, or helping to develop action plans about diversity and inclusion, in line with the values of the company, its strategies and its communication plan.
SpotMi är det första verktyget på marknaden där man som företag eller organisation kan marknadsföra, övervaka och mäta företagets förmåga, kunskap och värderingar baserat på mångfaldsspecifika sökkriterier inom Språk, HBT, Funktionsnedsättning och service till Föräldrar.
Företaget eller organisationen väljer själva om de vill lista sig i SpotMi. När de har listat sig, så kan kunden (konsument eller företag) hitta det genom att söka på specifika värden inom kategorierna Språk, HBT, Funktionsnedsättning eller service till Förälder (i tillägg till bransch och stad). Kunderna använder vanligen SpotMi för att:
Ett företag eller organisation listar sig i SpotMi om de vill:
Ett företag bör med fördel lista sig i SpotMi om de kan svara “Ja!” på en eller flera av följande frågor;
Service till Föräldrar:
Certifications that improve and enable companies and individuals in Diversity & Inclusion..
The certification MiCert verifies that the person has knowledge and expertise in diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
The certification SveCert verifies that the person has the information and understanding needed to be successful in the Swedish labor market and in a Swedish work place. The objective is to lower the threshold at the companies so they more easily dare to employ persons who have no previous experience in the Swedish labor market or in the Swedish work environment.
Yearly competition to identify the best companies by measuring different criteria’s within diversity and inclusion.
The first competition will take place during 2017.
Mångfaldsakademien will also continuously conduct surveys to better understand how companies and organisations are impacted by diversity and inclusion.
Read more about MiBarometern
On a regular basis we’ll publish facts, statistics, research, literature and else related to diversity and inclusion..
This information will, until further notice, only be published in Swedish.
Read more about Facts & Statistics
© 2016-2017 Mångfalds och Inkluderingsakademien AB ALL RIGHTS RESERVERED
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